Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fresno North Stake Women's Conference

SATURDAY:  The day was spent from 9:00am -2:00 am at an excellent Stake Wonen's Conference: The theme was "Bee Wise" and was based upon Proverbs:4:7 "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom."

Sister Ann Dibb, President Monson's daughter, was the main speaker. She talked about moving forward  in wisdom even though we are not perfect. At one point she dropped a real egg into a bucket and of course it broke. Then she proceeded to break about six more. You didn't need to break more than one to know what would happen... more was not wise. This was to exemplify that we make mistakes - but we don't have to make them more than once. She closed by telling us a little about the Prophet, which included that his favorite pie was Mincemeat, and that she has learned that men reallly like pie; so she bakes them every week... (hummm I may have to practice that skill more). The prophet's favorite meal is a full spread turkey dinner and of course one most men like - roast beef and potatoes. He has never had a pizza - and has no desire to try one.
Brother Scott, a Patriarch who has held many positions, spoke and told us how the Lord communicated to him. He has had dreams were he sees a hand writing on a wall. He keeps paper by his bed to write these down. One time he was so tired, he said to himself that he would write it in the morning and surely he would remember. He felt a sadness and the hand started to erase what was written. Realizing his mistake, he immediately got up and started to write everything down, praying to remember. It obviously taught him to be prompt to do the work he was given.
He also said that President Monson (when he was an apostle) asked him if he ever wondered why he was called earlier in life as a mission president: "Do you know why we called you?" "We look for someone with these qualities (listed off a long list of qualities). Then we call her husband."  He went on to speak glowingly of his wife, and attributing many things to her. Good men cannot succeed without the support of a great wife...  
An FBI agent spoke to us last, talking of the dangers of the internet.  Two specific warnings he gave were: NEVER allow anyone on your or your children's sites that you have not met personally - they may not be really what they purport. You don't know where YOUR information will end up... All phones should be charged at night away from where anyone can go to them alone.  One sister volunteered that the charging station is in their master bedroom. Do not have internet connections  for children in their bedrooms... Parents should have all passwords, etc. Netnanny was a good filter...
Lunch was wonderful. The brethren of the Hmong ward in our stake prepared fresh spring rolls. They were combined with an oriental chicken salad, and of course a fortune cookie with a fortune about wisdom. Dessert was a delicious red velvet cupcake. Here are some of the tables. I think there were over 40 tables set up.

Even the bathrooms were decorated! The ladies room was in a Hawaiian theme complete with Hawaiian music playing in the background!
They took over the men's restroom and decorated it too: One of the men speakers said he really liked the décor, but the  curtains had to go!! 

Three amazing sisters: Denise Barlocker, Cathy Gelwix and our Stake RS president, Mary Lou Royle.

What a wonderful, spiritually uplifting day. Women have wanted to get wisdom since Mother Eve partook of the forbidden fruit that she might know the good from the evil. We came to this earth to get wisdom... that we too might know the good from the evil. I hope and pray that each of us will be like the five wise virgins who were prepared to meet the bridegroom, May we "Bee Wise" get oil for our lamps, enjoy each day and each day be a little wiser than the day before. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Along the Fresno Blossom Trail

We heard wonderful tales of the Fresno Blossom Trail and it's miles and miles of continuous blossoms of almond and fruit tree blossoms. Unfortunately, because of the drought, Spring came a little earlier than usual so most of the blossoms were already greened out when we took our drive. Nonetheless, we did get to see some beautiful orchards and countryside along the 78 mile long trail. We started our trail ride at the Simonian Farm where we snapped some pictures with this very pink, very cute tractor. I had to have a picture for the 3 Sanders girls - the farmer's daughter's in our family.

 At the farm was this cut out of a Sequouia tree. I am in awe of these massive trees and their ability to survive for centuries.



Then it was on to the Blossom Trail which was 78 miles of orchards and the fertile farmland of the San Joaquin Valley. We got to see a rare site for Fresno - the mountains - with the majestic, snow-capped Sequoia Mountains in the background. They are awe-inspiring. The day started out cloudy and with a few sprinkles and we saw the full range of weather that day - from blue sky to blustery rain. All things bore witness that the earth is the Lord's and was created by him. We are so blessed to live in this land of plenty and to be surrounded by such beauty. For all this I am grateful.

For the beauty of the earth,
For the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies,
For the beauty of each hour
Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flow'r,
Sun and moon, and stars of light,
For the joy of human love,
Brother, sister, parent, child,
Friends on earth, and friends above,
For all gentle thoughts and mild,

Lord of all, to thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.

The closest thing to snow in Fresno is along the Blossom Trail.


Pop-corn popping on the apricot trees!