Sunday, August 4, 2013

Four Month Mark

It seems as though I was just on here posting that it was my three month mark and here we are into August already.  A lovely gift so far in August is a moderation in temperatures. July had only six days that were under 100 and more like 108 to 109. August so far has been temperate in the high 90's and the long term forecast for August shows only two days of 100. I never thought that I'd think the high 90's was temperate - but it is what it is and I am grateful.

July has been a busy, fun month. Once again, most of what I post on here will be a repeat of Facebook and email posts. Pioneer Day is obviously not a state holiday in California, but it is a church holiday in all church offices, so our office was closed. We took advantage of the day off and requested permission from President Gelwix to leave mission boundaries and go the coast overnight. We had such a great time. We left midday on the 23rd and went to Cayucos, a little (and I mean little) town. We stayed at a cute little motel call the Seaside Motel. It only had about 12 rooms, each decorated in a different theme. We were in the Birdhouse Bungalow.


Sister Henrick got the bed under the tree!


                         The Cayucos Pier.

      Sunset from the pier looking through the fog.

The Elephant seals at Cambria.
Morro Rock.
Touching it is supposed to bring good luck. So we trudged past all the do not touch signs and touched it anyway!

It was such a nice getaway. We were blessed to be able to take this little oasis break from the heat and enjoy the cool beach temperatures and the beauty of the coast.


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