Sunday, November 3, 2013

There are miracles every single day of a mission. All we have to do is open our eyes and our hearts to see them. The following story was sent to Sister Olson from her MTC companion who is serving in South Carolina:
Two elders said they had an experience to tell him about. In tears they began. At the end of one day, they had a short time to fill before going home and came to an intersection and were trying to decide which way to go. The Jr. companion said, let’s go left, where there were just 3 houses, so they started that way, then the Sr. companion said, no, let’s go this other way, so they started that way. After a few steps, the Jr. companion said, I really feel we should go this other way, so they turned around and went back to where the 3 houses were and the companion said we need to go to the middle house.
Meanwhile, in the house was a middle-aged man who was watching them out his window as he chatted with his daughter on his computer.  He was telling her about a dream he had the night before where he was told the Mormon boys would come to his house that next day, but it was now 8:30 at night. As he was typing, he said, “oh my goodness, here they come--- No, now, they turned away. I guess they are not coming after all.” He continued to chat with his daughter and then said, “Wait, they are coming back again!”
When the elders knocked on his door, he ushered them quickly inside, sat them down and said, “Now tell me how the spirit works with you boys”.  The elders visited with him for a bit then made an appointment to go back next week for a lesson and he wants to feed them too. Yeah, for elders who listen to the spirit and follow it.
I know how important it is to not only feel when the spirit is strong, but to follow through with actions. I had no intention of going on a mission alone until I heard a voice in my mind and the burning in my bosom that said “it’s time to go on a mission”. A week later I had my first interview with the bishop and “the rest is history”, as they say. I know this is where I need to be at this time and I know there are angels helping us with this work.  I am grateful that the Lord has blessed me with three amazing companions who have blessed my life everyday.
There is such a powerful Spirit with missionary work, whether it be the young Elders and Sisters out proselyting or in our Employment Office. We had a young man come into the office this week who had found a partner to start up a new business. He was the brains and the planner behind the business and his partner had the funds to get the business off the ground. They got the business going and it was hugely successful and making money. Then one day the partner called him in and said we don't need you anymore. There's the door - leave. He was devastated. His marriage fell apart and he has been so depressed. He came to our office seeking help in finding a job. He left with Hope. Hope in the knowledge that God loves Him and knows Him and that all will work as God has planned. He would have his hand on the door to leave, then come back in and talk some more and kept saying each time "I feel like I am with family here - I don't want to leave." That is exactly what we want them to feel. Like we are their family - pulling for them, cheering for them, praying for them.
This week we also had a man in his 40's come in. He is Hispanic and has 15 years of experience driving forklift in a warehouse. He has not been able to find a job for going on 6 months. He stayed almost 6 hours that day going over "Me in 30 Seconds" statements and interviewing skills. He is so humble and is trying so hard. He speaks good English, but doesn't read or write it very well. This is a big challenge in the job market today. After we had exhausted him with going over and over his "lines" he left and started riding his bike away. Within 2 minutes he was back and came in and humbly asked Sister Olson and I if we would have a prayer for him. He asked if I would offer it which I gladly did. The Spirit of the Lord was so very strong in that room as we knelt around our desks and prayed for this good man. I know the Lord has great things in store for him.
God absolutely loves EACH of His children. We see so many come to our office with no hope and problems that none of us would ever want to trade ours for. As we serve these children of God, we are each taught how much He loves them as he guides our thoughts and words to say and do exactly what is needful for each individual person. God is so good to us. He loves us - of this I have no doubt.

1 comment:

  1. I love the posts you do, Eileen. I always feel strengthened by them. Thanks for the example you are to me and so many others.
