Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Sander's Come to Fresno

Spring break brought great blessings to Fresno. The Sanders' family arrived on Wednesday. Here's the kids sitting in Grandma's office chair:
We spent the next two days seeing the beauties of God's creation in Central California - Sequoia National Park, Forestiere Underground Gardens, and the Fresno Temple.

Seeing the big trees in the snow is a totally new experience and it was absolutely breathtaking!

 The Sanders' in front of a fallen tree base! Massive doesn't adequately describe these trees!

Sister Olson, Cary, Danielle and McKenzie were brave enough to climb out onto this fallen rock! Cary left to take Sophie back down the trail so didn't make it into the picture.

The VICTORY "I AM AWESOME" pose from all the grandchildren!

 Good-bye Sequoia National Park - You are Beautiful!
 Friday found us at the Forestiere Underground Gardens - an amazing man-made underground living space and citrus garden.  

 We Love to See the Temple!
Sadly, the time to say good-bye for a little while came all too fast. I am so grateful for family, for the knowledge that we are an eternal family and for the assurance that Dave is carefully and lovingly watching over our family. 



1 comment:

  1. Mom those are some real beautiful pics of the Sanders and your companionship! Loved reading your blog!
