Sunday, June 22, 2014

Opportunity Lost

On Thursday morning when we had our staff meeting, Steve said that he was going to offer Carlos a job in the employment center. Steve has 2 or 3 internships where the Church pays them to help in the ERC and to basically spend their day looking for work - YES, paid to look for a job. Wow!  Is that amazing or what! Carlos is a recently returned missionary and Sister Olson and I just loved him from the first time he came to the center. He is courteous, sweet, followed through on assignments. We have told him he makes us and his mother very proud. We were thrilled for this opportunity for him! He is starting college in the fall and this internship was a perfect opportunity for him to find the "perfect" job for his school schedule.
His appointment time came – and went. No Carlos. There is no gray in this area for Steve. He had an appointment, a professional appointment. Carlos didn't call. Steve does not 'hire' those who do not follow through and keep their word, or for that matter, are even late.
He informed us that Carlos would NOT be offered the internship. We could see he was not happy. 
Early afternoon Carlos came in, happy as ever. He hugged us all and went in to talk to Steve. By then, Steve was also meeting with his boss, Mindy, and both of them must have talked to Carlos for quite a while. It had to have been the learning lesson for the day, and maybe life. THE MIRACLE JOB was lost.  He came out with some job leads- only - We wanted to cry for him. We wanted him to have that internship! We were torn between the motherly compassion for him to HAVE the job (maybe with a minor punishment) and the wisdom to know this was a pivotal opportunity to learn. But we knew he had to  remember his Mission lessons – keep appointments; be responsible. Whatever was done, was right. 
This is the second time this has happened. A Sister Missionary, also an amazing girl, was not finding a job and Steve was ready to offer her an internship. He called to make an appointment, but didn't specify for what. She didn't come. The offer vanished.
Sometimes opportunities in life only come to us once.  We must be prepared and ready to act.  What do we learn from missed opportunities? Miracle opportunities CAN be lost! This might be likened to the parable of the 10 Virgins. Five were watchful and prepared. Five were not watchful and when it was time to go the wedding feast, they were out of oil. They arrived to late and were not admitted. The opportunity for them was lost.

Have NO REGRETS (this is the CFM Mission Motto)


1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a great learning experience! A very sad learning experience. Thanks for sharing, Eileen. We can all learn something from that for sure!
