Sunday, July 13, 2014

Just Doing the Work of the Lord

Story Line One: Darren

Shortly after our staff prayer meeting, Darren came into the office. He had called yesterday and made an appointment with me, but when he came in I  had mysteriously disappeared to a room down the hall, so Sister Olson had him sit and chat. His story is that he worked at the correctional center for 18 years, and the last few years of that time he had some difficulties with his boss. He had tried to work them out by talking to him and that didn't work so he finally went to the man above him and complained. I do not remember all the details but it ended up that it went to court to be settled, his boss then trying to justify himself by making false accusations. He wasn't fired, but he still wasn't on staff and off the payroll – as difficult situation for a man with a family to provide for.  In time the courts showed that the accusations against him were not true, and recently the courts have given him permission to work.
He said that he went into a depression over the whole ordeal and was VERY bitter, blaming, irritated. (probably at everyone and everything).  A few weeks ago he started taking the missionary lesson, and the missionaries in the Fig Garden Ward recommended that he come to the Center to look for work and get help (YAH! Good job Elders!)  His wife and children were baptized within the last year. He is being baptized July 20 and he hopes to take his family to the temple.

Everything began to change. Sister Olson reviewed what we have to offer and discussed what he had and what he needed.
The first thing he agreed he needed to do was to get a profile to assess what is generally needed in job searches, etc.  Bonnie (our resume specialist who is a spiritual giant and excellent resource), happened to be in that morning and had no appointments until 11:00 am. She said to fill out the profile so she could more effectively work on the resume, and we made a tentative time frame to work on the profile until 10:00 or so, to give her time before her 11:00 appointment. We did the skills/experience/education and then in the interest of time, Sister Olson shooed him over to Bonnie. She worked with him until a little after 11:00, but her appointment (who has been in several times to get help) was gracious and waited.

When the resume was done, Darren came back, so happy. He had information, started his profile, and  had a beautiful resume!  He kept commenting on all we had accomplished, how fantastic it was to be in a place that was so positive, how he didn't feel that negative influence (starting from the missionaries for sure) and recognized where he had been and where he was now, how he wasn't the same man he had been for two years, but was ready to move forward. “I can't believe it. You've (the ERC) given me so much!” We continued on with a little more work on his profile, and Jeremy came out to give him a few thoughts.
Finally, after being with us for 5 ½ hours (his count), he called his father to pick him up. They intended to do some dad/son bonding over a big hamburger.  Again and again, he rehearsed how he couldn't wait to share with his family all he had done, all he had been given... “You spent 5 ½ hours with me! Look what we got done!!!”

He literally clutched his folder to his heart.
The next day Darren came in with a bounce and a smile. We were wondering if we had an appointment we didn't remember?  “Sister Olson! You told me to come in if anything interesting happened!”  He then proceeded to tell us how he and his father (who had driven him), had stopped at a relatives' on their way to get a hamburger. He shared with them all the things he had accomplished and how he had been treated for 'over 5 hours'- totally, unbelievably amazing!  They were thrilled he was making the change to be positive and not bitter over his last job, and he is moving forward.  His relative knew someone in security and gave him the information to visit/call. Then another gave him another name.

He decided to visit them immediately, so he went to the office of the first, with his brand-new resume in hand and  pretty much demanded to see this person (not normal procedure but he said it was the way they all respond). He was let in to see him; Darren told him who had referred him, and gave him the sparkling resume.  The man read over it, was visibly impressed.  Darren acted out his movements several times. He pretended he was reading it with interest; the person had commented on how good his experience was, and then held it to his chest, saying he was going to keep it. Darren likewise held a paper to his chest and held it there, for several minutes. They told Darren to go and apply on line, right away, and they would be watching for it to come back to them.
He was so excited with all that had happened that day, he had called to come back to the office and do the application – right then. He called; we had left the office early to get our hair cut and colored.
So here he was now, telling his tale and wanting to do the applications. For whatever reason, doing the applications seemed too technical for Sister Olson so she asked me if I would help him. Another man, Ben (whose story will be next in this blog) had just come in and sat down at my desk, being the first chair available. He had just started to explain his needs.  Sister Olson said she would help him, if I would help Darren with his “2” applications. Darren said several times that he couldn't believe what he had accomplished  yesterday and today. It said it almost scared him - it was all so fast.
We had a great time filling out the two lengthy applications – laughing at the ridiculousness of the questions. Darren is so appreciative of our help and responded to every suggestion and idea. He will succeed – because he is including the Lord in his plans now and seeking His help.
Story Line Two: Ben

This is about Benjamin; he came in to the office, tall, red hair and freckled, slow moving and slow of speech - some impediment? 
He sat down and his story began to unfold. He is married with two children, girl and boy (both very beautiful); his wife is Christine. He started work when he was about 14 at Burger King and worked his way up to manager by the time he was 18. He repeated several times that his grandfather had taught him how to work, and to always do a good job. He couldn't advance further at Burger King, so he took another job, again starting at the bottom as a stocker, and quickly worked up to management. They down-sized the management job and rather than move backwards to an assistant manager, he decided to take a different job, which he did. I forget how long he was there, but a few years ago he was at Target with his two children and he had a seizure – totally unexpected. He said his son started to run away in fear and his daughter who is older chased him down, brought him back to the father, and they remained there until help came. Yes, a scary time for the children - and him.
He had had an aneurism - a broken blood vessel in his brain. After many tests and an MRI they discovered he has another blood clot deep within his brain which is inoperable. He has anywhere from a few years to maybe fifteen years to live – or death could be tomorrow (true for all of us). He now has physical limitations and had to leave his last job. During his time with us, it was evident he did not feel well and was sweating profusely. I kept asking if he was able to continue or should he come back, “No, I need to do this.” He said that he wanted to set an example for his children, of effort and work. Sister Olson told Ben how he was such a hero. He smiled. 
They talked about what our Center had to offer, what his goals were, expectations of work, etc. He agreed to start a profile. They started that, and when they got to the 'skills', she showed him the workshop list of skills or adjectives that he already had and used in his jobs. Every skill on the list he confidently accepted as “oh, yes. I am that/did that - with the exception of 'global expertise'. It was absolutely evident by his manner he took complete ownership of these qualities that he was an exceptional manager, and person,  confident, etc. His favorite two were gratitude and faith.  Faith and family  being the most important to him. Since we have people come in who can't think of two good qualities about themselves, and with more physical ability, this is astounding and Sister O. told him so. In the conversation he said something that prompted her to ask WHY he had come into our Center. He had seen our AD in the telephone directory and felt strongly that he needed to come in. (Really? It does happen, but it felt like such a direct direction.) We truly believe that everyone who crosses the threshold of the ERC is there because God wants them to be there at that moment.

Even though he was still sweating and struggling, Sister O. suggested he meet with Steve long enough to get an idea on how we could help him. He agreed, but Steve was in the middle of something and asked if we could wait a few minutes. So she told Ben they could look over her folder of quotes and she would copy whichever ones he liked. I thumbed through them and handed him some. He read them and basically handed them all back to me. In the second She thumbed through them and handed him some. The batch he was reading had a small square of paper, with tiny, tiny, print. He handed that to Sister O. as well and she said, “That is interesting. I had not intended to give you that one.” His response, “This one is my favorite.” It was a list of 17 criteria for the TRUE CHURCH. He said "I am going to blow this one up and put it on my wall at home.” Be still my heart. Sister Olson said that she really hadn't seen that it was among those quotes, and his response? - priceless. (Do you suppose that angels were directing this interchange?)
Just as they were putting the quotes into a folder, Steve came out to get him. Steve apologized for taking a few minutes. She said they had spent the time looking at quotes and said, this is the one Ben liked best. She showed him, saying she had not intended to give it to him. His eye brows raised. Ben commented that is was rare to find a quote that was “honest”. The way he said it, we understood he meant it relating to truth. That was a great word to use! Ben felt the honest truth!
He visited with Steve and made an appointment to come in on Monday afternoon.
He thanked Sister Olson several times for everything she had done, and it was deeply sincere.
Sister Olson says she was grateful to be able to see a little into this fine man, who loved to work, who wanted to be an example to his family, who was grateful, who recognized good and truth (even though he doesn't know anything about the Church yet). We had specifically prayed that morning to be able to serve in a way to be more greatly filled with the Spirit of the Lord. He was one of the several things/people that were an answer to our morning prayer that day.
Please pray for Ben and his family, in your family prayers, that whatever the Lord has in mind for him, will be fulfilled.

Here are the 17 Points of the True Church by Floyd Weston
  1. Christ organized the church.  (Ephesians 4:11-14).
  2. The True Church must bear the name of Jesus Christ.  (Ephesians 5:23)
  3. The True Church must have a foundation of Apostles and Prophets.  (Ephesians 2:19-20)
  4. The True Church must have the same organization as Christ’s Church. (Ephesians 4:11-14)
  5. The True Church must claim divine authority.  (Hebrews 5:4-10)
  6. The True Church must have no paid ministry.  (Isaiah 45:13; 1 Peter 5:2)
  7. The True Church must have baptism by immersion.  (Matthew 3:13-16)
  8. The True Church must bestow the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.  (Acts 8:14-17)
  9. The True Church must practice divine healing.  (Mark 3:14-15)
  10. The True Church must teach that God and Jesus Christ are separate and distinct individuals.  (John 17:11, 20:17)
  11. The True Church must teach that God and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and bone.  (Luke 24:36-39, Acts 1:9-11)
  12. The officers must be called of God.  (Hebrews 5:4, Exodus 28:1, Exodus 40: 14-16)
  13. The True Church must claim revelation from God.  (Amos 3:7)
  14. The True Church must be a missionary church.  (Matthew 28:19-20)
  15. The True Church must be a restored church.  (Acts 3:19-20)
  16. The True Church must practice baptism for the dead.  (1 Corintians 15:16, 29)
  17. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:20)
I know we belong to the only true church on the earth day - the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings. I know that we have a living prophet and apostles directing our church today. I am serving as a missionary because of my testimony of these things. I love my Savior.



1 comment:

  1. I am amazed, once again, at the experiences you are having. I hope Ben will take everything seriously on those 17 points and discover the truth. You have been very blessed, Eileen, and no one deserves it any more than you do. I'm so glad you have shared your mission with all of us.
