Monday, April 22, 2013

A Few Facts About Fresno

A few facts about Fresno:
  • It's HOT!! 92 today and the rest of the week the same. C'mon - it's April!!
  • No left turns in the middle of the block. Center islands are everywhere, so there are lots of u-turns at intersections and driving around the block to go the right direction!
  • Did I mention that it's hot here?
  • They grow everything here! This is what's in season.! Fresh picked from the field today! Can I just say - YUMMY.  So sweet and delicious!
  •  The sun goes down in a different direction every day! Tonight it went down in the North! No - I am not directionally impaired.  I am so very grateful for GPS!
  • Did I mention that it's HOT here?
  • There is at least one liquor store on every block.
  • This lovely little shop is right around the corner from where we live! Actually it's a garden center with lots of pots - but an interesting read for sure!! 
  • The temple is small, but as in all temples, the Spirit is in abundance!

  •  And although I'm sure it's going to be a long, HOT summer, I am grateful to be here serving the Lord.

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