Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sister Stevenson and I

March 25, 2013 - MTC bound! It felt a little bit strange to drive to the MTC, park my car, and enter by myself, but it was an amazing experience once I stepped inside the door.  Our MTC group had 72 missionaries, four of us being sister missionaries.  My MTC companion was a sweet little 80 year old from Duluth, Minn., Sister Eula Stevenson.

Sisters Stevenson, Ball, Minnick and Shumway

Our District:
Front - Trainers Brothers Bellingham and Harper
Elder & Sister Jack, Elder & Sister Johnson, Elder & Sister Markham, Sister Stevenson, Sister Ball

MTC Room 312 in Building 2M

From the first moments of the MTC to the last hour, 11 days later, it was a spiritual high. We always hear about the spirit at the MTC, but descriptions don't do it justice. I think my favorite moments were at the two devotionals when 3,000 missionaries sang "Called to Serve". I was able to come home on week-ends, then headed to Fresno (via a stop-over in St George to see dear friends) on Sunday April 7, 2013, arriving in Fresno on Monday evening, April 8th.  Here I was greeted by my new companion, Sister Ure; our landlady, Britta and the ward empty nesters FHE group who met at Britta's that night.
Sister Ure and I at the mission office.


  1. What a wonderful experience so far! I love your cute little companion at the MTC. Your MTC room looks very nice, too! My son's room wasn't quite like that! LOL! I look forward to seeing more blog info when you can. Take care and God bless you always! Love you!

  2. They do take care of their senior missionaries. An experience everyone in the church should have!
