Thursday, April 11, 2013

I guess I'd better start at the beginning and explain why I am serving this mission. Bishop Edwards called me in to his office to call me as the Relief Society pianist.  After that was over, he asked me if I had any desire to serve a mission. WOW - I have wanted to serve a mission, but always thought it would be my sweetheart and I going together. As Bishop Edwards and I briefly talked and he told me to think and pray about, I received an overwhelmingly strong confirmation of the Spirit that this is exactly what I am supposed to be doing at this time in my life. As much as I logically tried to talk myself out of serving, I could not deny the feelings I had had. So - six months later, here I am in Fresno, CA.  
My farewell day was a spiritual and emotional feast for me. I am so grateful for family and friends who took the time to come to support me on this day.  I cannot do this hard thing without the support of my biggest cheerleaders - my family and friends. Later that evening, President Johnson came to my home and set me apart. He first began with asking Kim to represent the siblings and Kaycee to represent the grandkids in expressing what this mission means to them. I was so very proud of both of them. That's when the tears started to flow for this Mom and Grandma. I am so grateful for their love.


Others who came to the setting apart were Bishop Neal and Karen Hart and Jeff and Willie Dunford. President  Johnson gave me a beautiful blessing with many promises for my family and myself. I am so blessed.

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